Level two is for tubists middle school through high school age.
Some tunes will also appeal to university tubists as well. It's all good.
Here you'll find music to build your performance skills, and music to help develop your musicianship.
Take a good look around! Check tuba4u frequently for additions.
Click on any of the pieces listed below to bring up a pdf which can be
printed out for free and added to your personal music library.
Latest Additions: 10-04-08
December Additions: 12-14-08
Rainforest Etudes can be heard on tubist
Deanna Swoboda's CD:
To view/buy a copy of the disc, click on
Deanna's Wonderland above.
The above pdfs give you an idea of the etudes included in:
Rain Forest Etudes - 25 Musical Studies for the Young Tubist. To purchase all 25 etudes, click HERE to go to the Cimarron Music Press website. Then locate
Rain Forest Etudes.
February Additions: 2-14-09
TRIO: EET (Euph, Euph, Tuba)
- Conference Handout
On Saturday, March 21st, 2009 I had the distinct pleasure of attending, and presenting at, the South Central ITEA Tuba & Euphonium Conference hosted at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. I presented a workshop called Our Young Tubists - S.T.T.B.P., utilizing some of the music here @ tuba4u.
Click HERE for a copy of the handout.
Freaky Version of Happy B-day
(Happy B-Day tuba4u)
January 2010 Additions: 1-10-10
tuba4u recently visited banddirector.com thanks to a suggestion from megatubist Deanna Swoboda. Click HERE to read the article which offers some ideas about growing tubists' musical abilities. Thanks Deanna!
Spring 2010 Additions: 6-3-10
TRIO: trumpet, trombone & tuba
David Warner
played an outstanding Senior Recital at Texas Lutheran University on April 20th, 2010. His program included music by Bach, Beversdorf, Blazhevich, Vivaldi, and Racussen.
November 2010 Addititions
Click on the image above or the word shirt and be the first in your section to wear tuba4u
on your chest!
For a copy of the duet that Derek & Manny premiered at Texas Lutheran University's Summer Music Academy, just click on their picture above. Great job guys!
Darius, Brian & Jordan: Matador Tubas
Nicely done gentlemen!!!
Winter Additions: January 2012
July Additions: July 2012
NEW: Tuba Quartet Parts
(Score @ Winter additions Jan 2012)
Tubist Kendall Prinz performed at Texas Lutheran University on 1-28-2010. His program was entitled Lyrics - Tuneful Music for Tuba and Piano. Included were works by Hindemith, Holmboe, Koetsier, Newton & Wilder.
Winter Additions: January 2015
TRIO for tubas or Tuba Euph combination
Brass Quintet - One Bread, One Body
Summer Additions: June 2016